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Exit behind trucks.
Slowing down and exiting or turning behind a truck
, or any
other vehicle won't increase your drive time by
 more than
a few moments.

Speeding up to make it to an exit first might save
you a few seconds, but that action increases
probability of an accident.

It may force you to cut off the other driver, removing
his or her
cushion of safety - and your own.

Always pass a truck on the left side:

any vehicle - especially a truck, on the right
like asking for an accident.

When passing, look for the front of the truck in your rear-view
mirror before pulling in front and avoid braking situations.

Trucks and buses take much longer to stop in comparison to cars.
If you force a larger vehicle such as a bus or truck, to stop quickly
this could cause a serious, even fatal accident.

Be careful of trucks making wide right turns.

If you try to get in between the truck and
the curb, you'll be caught in a "squeeze"
and can suffer a serious accident.

Truck drivers sometimes need to swing wide to the left in
order to safely negotiate a right turn especially in the city.

They can't see cars directly behind or beside them.
Cutting in between the truck and the curb increases the
possibility of a crash.

So pay attention to truck signals, and give them lots of room
to maneuver.

Realize that large vehicles may be moving
faster than they appear:

Many accidents
occur at intersections because a car driver
underestimates the speed of an approaching truck.

When a truck passes you, stay to the right and slow down
just a little.

Truckers often do this when they are being passed.
It helps the passing vehicle to complete the pass safely.

Never speed up when a tractor-trailer passes as this can cause
a very dangerous
situation, especially in heavy traffic.

Oncoming trucks:

If there is an oncoming truck approaching you on a two-lane
highway, it is a very good
idea to keep to the right side of your
lane and slow down a little.

This will help avoid the chance of a sideswipe, and also reduce
the effect of the wind turbulence
as the truck passes you.
Remember wind turbulence pushes vehicles apart, not together.

Respect a trucker's blind spots:

Many motorists falsely assume that truckers can see the road better
because they sit twice
 as high as the driver of a car.

While truckers do enjoy a better forward view and have bigger
mirrors, they still
have serious blind spots.

A car can disappear from view up to 20 feet in front of the cab,
on either side of the tractor-trailer (particularly
alongside the cab),
and up to 200 feet in the rear.

Remember that if you can't see the truck driver
in his or her side mirror, the driver can't see you.

Don't tailgate:

Tailgating takes away your own cushion of safety.

Never follow a truck too closely.
Not only are you not visible to the truck driver, your view ahead
is also blocked by the rear
of the trailer.

If you cannot see the trucker's side mirrors,
they can't see you.

You are now traveling too close, so slow down to maintain a
cushion of safety between you and the truck ahead.

A greater response time is needed to maneuver around any large
vehicle such as a tractor-trailer.
Other hazards include tire blowout or flying debris stirred up on
roadside by the truck.

Be careful near weigh stations:

Trucks will be slowing down when entering or exiting weigh stations.
They will also be traveling slow when reentering the highway from
weigh stations.
Always be extra alert when near these areas.

Observe a truck's turn signals:

Due to the length of their vehicles,
tractor-trailer drivers must often
swing out to
the left as the first step in making a right turn.

The average tractor-trailer is
65' feet in length, and weighs
40,000 lbs.

Remember that it takes truckers more time to accelerate,
to brake, and to change lanes.

loaded tractor-trailer that is traveling 55 miles per hour may need
up to 430
feet to come to a complete stop.
A passenger
car needs less than 200 feet to do the same.

And a car can complete a lane change in mere seconds, while
a trucker must employ a more
detailed and time consuming
lane change

Watch the Blind Spots -

Trucks have blind spots, or No-Zones, around the front,
back and sides of the truck.

Watch out!
A truck could even turn into you, because these No-Zones
make it difficult for the driver to see.

So, don't hang out in the No-Zones, and remember,
if you can't see the truck driver in the truck's
mirror, the truck driver can't see you.
